
The New Era of Criminal Law in India: Analysing the Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita, Bhartiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, and Bhartiya Sakshya Adhiniya

By Sandigdha Mishra, Adv. On July 1, 2024, India witnessed a significant transformation in its criminal justice system with the introduction of three new laws: the Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), replacing the Indian Penal Code (IPC); the Bhartiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS), replacing the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC); and the Bhartiya Sakshya Adhiniyam (BSA), replacing the Indian Evidence Act. These reforms aim to modernize, streamline, and strengthen the legal framework to ensure more efficient, fair, and transparent delivery of justice. Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) The Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita marks a significant shift from the colonial-era Indian Penal Code, which had been in place since 1860. The BNS aims to address contemporary issues and incorporate provisions that reflect the changing dynamics of Indian society. Major Changes: Modernization of Offenses: The BNS introduces new categories of crimes that were either inadequately addressed

Unveiling Institutional Theory in the Realm of India's K-12 Education: A Comprehensive Exploration of Compliance Adherence and Legal Awareness

By Sandigdha Mishra, Adv. Introduction: Institutional theory, as a lens for analysing organizations, focuses on how institutions—such as laws, regulations, norms, and customs—shape organisational behavior and practices. Developed by Meyer and Rowan in 1977, this theory posits that organizations adopt structures, practices, and behaviours not just because they are efficient or effective, but because they are considered legitimate within their institutional environment. In simpler terms, organizations conform to established norms and expectations to gain legitimacy and support from their environment, which includes stakeholders like government bodies, regulatory agencies, and society at large. Now, applying this theory to India's K-12 education system, we can understand how educational institutions interact with the socio-political and legal environment in which they operate. India's K-12 educational landscape is diverse, with a multitude of pri

Unlocking Adolescents' Growth: The Law of Vibration and Emotional Intelligence

By Sandigdha Mishra, Adv. Legal Consultant, School Compliance, Child Protectionist, Life Coach "Be Aware" In the whirlwind of adolescence, young minds navigate a labyrinth of emotions, experiences, and expectations. It's a pivotal phase marked by self-discovery, identity formation, and emotional turbulence. Understanding the interplay between the Law of Vibration and Emotional Intelligence (EI) can empower adolescents to harness their potential, navigate challenges, and cultivate resilience. The Law of Vibration: Unseen Forces at Play The Law of Vibration, often associated with quantum physics and metaphysics, suggests that everything in the universe vibrates at a specific frequency. This concept extends beyond the physical realm to encompass thoughts, emotions, and consciousness. In essence, our thoughts and feelings emit energetic vibrations that resonate with similar frequencies

Navigating the Digital Era: Safeguarding Children's Digital Footprints Amid Global Challenges

By Sandigdha Mishra, Adv. Legal Counsel and Life Coach   Introduction:   In today's dynamic digital landscape, children are immersed in an interconnected world where information knows no bounds, transcending geographical borders, religious doctrines, and political ideologies. While the digital realm offers unparalleled opportunities for learning and connectivity, the ease with which information flows raises legitimate concerns about the security of children's digital footprints. Against the backdrop of current global challenges, safeguarding the online experiences of the younger generation becomes paramount. The need to balance the expansive possibilities of the digital era with a vigilant eye on the protection of children's privacy and security is evident, calling for collaborative efforts from parents, educators, policymakers, and technology stakeholders to ensure a safe and enriching online environment for children to explore and learn

The Digital Personal Data Protection Bill 2023: Safeguarding India's Data Landscape

By Sandigdha Mishra, Adv. Legal Consultant, School Compliance, Child Protectionist, Life Coach In a significant step towards fortifying India's data privacy ecosystem, President Draupadi Murmu has given her assent for the data protection bill, 2003 on 11th of August, 2023, the Rajya Sabha passed the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023 on August 9th and with the Lok Sabha's prior approval on August 7th,  this gave India it's data privacy law which addresses the citizen's personal data including Children. This bill/law is designed to regulate the handling of digital personal data, has far-reaching implications for data protection, consent, and accountability within the country. The bill/law is meticulously crafted to cover a wide range of scenarios involving digital personal data. It applies to data collected within India, whether in digital form or non-digital form that is subsequentl

"Promoting Sustainable Practices: Implementing an Efficient Waste Minimisation Strategy for Food Service Establishments"

By Sandigdha Mishra, Adv. Legal Consultant, School Compliance, Child Protectionist, Life Coach A few days ago, I came across a heart-wrenching post on food wastage that left me utterly shaken. The image of children, right by the street, scavenging for morsels from thrown-out food haunts me. Their innocent faces, filled with hunger and longing, make me feel utterly helpless. As a mother, I can deeply empathise with the joy that spreads across my daughter's face when she relishes a delicious meal. It pains me to think that there are children out there who don't get to experience that simple pleasure, while we casually dispose of food without a second thought. That post, shared by a prominent company, opened my eyes to the harsh reality of the situation. We waste colossal amounts of food in restaurants, often oblivious to the plight of the poor, the orphaned, and the homeless, who go to bed hungry ever

The Importance of Privacy Rights: Mandatory for Businesses of All Sizes under GDPR and Indian Privacy Laws

  By Sandigdha Mishra, Adv. Legal Consultant, School Compliance, Child Protectionist, Life Coach Introduction Privacy rights are fundamental rights that individuals possess to protect their personal information from unauthorised access and use. With the advent of digital technologies and the widespread collection and processing of personal data, safeguarding privacy has become a critical concern. This article examines the significance of privacy rights for businesses of all sizes, focusing on the requirements imposed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union and the privacy laws of India. Personal Data -  Section 43A of the IT Act define “Personal information” to mean any information that relates to a natural person, which can be used, either directly or indirectly with some other information for identifying such person i.e. “Personally Identifiable Information”. Under GDPR, Per