
Showing posts from April, 2020

Plagiarism and Legal Framework In India

Plagiarism and Legal Framework In India  By Sandigdha Mishra, Advocate There are few matters such as stealing information, words, illustrations, expressions, ideas, tables, thoughts, or figures from various books, articles, interviews which are difficult to identify. Therefore, the act of using another individual’s work and then passing it as one’s own is known as Plagiarism. As per law, whenever one uses sentences, words, ideas or phrases, summarize, or paraphrase other person’s work, it’s important to name the source of information in your work. And not citing, acknowledging or quoting the source in your work is considered plagiarism. In today's era Internet’s popularity has continued to grow; shocking the world with it’s never before seen technological capacities. It allowed for the communication of ideas and provided people with a wealth of information only a click away. More widely used now than ever before, the Inte...

Team Mentality in healthy Relationship

T.E.A.M. Mentality in Relationships By Sandigdha Mishra, Advocate Relationship Life Coach A good team will be clear, flexible, and willing to manage emotions when something has to be given up.” “Being a good teammate means you generally like, appreciate and value what your team members bring to the game,” says D'Angelo. The importance of teamwork in relationships is that it allows everyone involved to help each other. The more you help each other, the stronger your bond will become. When each person in a relationship is working alone, reaching a mutual agreement becomes difficult. Whether you are looking at your relationships with your friends, your boyfriend/girlfriend, or your spouse, there is no doubt that teamwork brings people closer together. When you work together as a team to tackle problems or daily life activities, it helps you to form a bond with those closest to you. This is a bond that simply cannot be crea...

Contracts and It's rules

Corporate Agreements, Basic rules to know:- By Sandigdha Mishra, Advocate  Contracts are a necessary detail when doing business. As a particular deal becomes more complex, so does the contract that seals that deal. Nonetheless, contracts follow a basic set of rules, whether they cover a partnership formation or a simple purchase or supply agreement. A business agreement involving companies needs to properly name the parties and use clear and concise language to accurately describe the deal and the proper execution of the agreement. BASIC SET OF RULES OF Corporate Agreements:- 1. Name the parties properly. Use each business’s legal name, state of origin and principal place of business to make it clear that the contract is between the businesses and not between individuals. An example of a business name is “123 Corporation, a with a principal place of business at XYZ, BUILDING X,  ROAD- ADB, CITY, STATE, PIN-....... (ADDRES...

Maternity Benefit, Indian legal framework

Maternity benefit under Indian Law:- By Adv Sandigdha Mishra In order to protect the rights of women employees during pregnancy and after childbirth, Indian law makes it mandatory for most establishments to offer maternity benefits to women employees. Maternity benefit in India is mainly governed by the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 that applies to all shops and establishments with 10 or more employees. Those women who work in factories with 10 or more workers are given maternity benefits as available under the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948. Remember that employers are required to inform women in writing and electronically about the maternity benefits available under the Maternity Benefit Act upon their joining the workforce. Maternity Benefit is the paid leave given to all the working women. The duration of Maternity benefit or maternity leave will be 6 weeks to 30 weeks. This duration differs for different countries....