Plagiarism and Legal Framework In India

Plagiarism and Legal Framework In India By Sandigdha Mishra, Advocate There are few matters such as stealing information, words, illustrations, expressions, ideas, tables, thoughts, or figures from various books, articles, interviews which are difficult to identify. Therefore, the act of using another individual’s work and then passing it as one’s own is known as Plagiarism. As per law, whenever one uses sentences, words, ideas or phrases, summarize, or paraphrase other person’s work, it’s important to name the source of information in your work. And not citing, acknowledging or quoting the source in your work is considered plagiarism. In today's era Internet’s popularity has continued to grow; shocking the world with it’s never before seen technological capacities. It allowed for the communication of ideas and provided people with a wealth of information only a click away. More widely used now than ever before, the Inte...