Stamp Paper and Validity

Does Stamp Paper Expire? Ans: No, However section 54 of Indian Stamp Act states that the Stamp Paper is valid for only 6 month for any execution. This means Stamp Paper never Expires but it can't be used for execution after 6 month of the period from the date of its purchase. So what do you do with such Stamp Paper? Ans: If you don't have a use of such Stamp Paper within 6 month of its purchase then you may return the Stamp Paper and deposit back to the Collector. Such Stamp Paper shall not be spoilt, rendered unfit or useless while returning the same. Your money will be refunded after deduction of 10%. Who is the Collector of Stamp? Ans: Deputy Commissioners, SDOs(C) and District Revenue Officers are declared as Collectors under Section 47-A of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899. *Note: You can only use the Stamp paper for the same purpose for which you have purchased it as the Stamp vendor makes an entry of the purpose in the record.