What is Parenting Guilt, Why we feel it and How can we overcome it.

Adv. Sandigdha Mishra Life Coach, Cognitive Behaviour Coach, Coach for Parents and Coach for Kids and Adolescents. advocate.sandigdhamishra@gmail.com. AM I A BAD PARENT, WHY AM I FEELING SO GUILTY, HOW SHOULD I DEAL WITH IT........... Parent guilt is the feeling that you have done something wrong causing harm to your kid, regardless of whether this is true or not. It may also arise from not being able to meet the expectations of being a perfect mother. New parents : Becoming parents to a baby is like moving toward new state or place. Even after the excitement of parenthood, there is endless and seemingly difficult challenges that you might face in this first year.The tension between the roles often tends to feel heavier with the first child. Single parents : People who are the sole earner and sole caretaker/caregiver face more pressure to make sacrifices in either their professional or parental roles. Single parents are also more likely to come face-to-face with the li...